Discover Mindful Eating

So when did it happen? Or has it always been that way? The fact that following a delicious meal, we rarely remember the flavors, aromas and senses stimulated by a flavorful meal. Instead we often feel overfull, possibly to the point of discomfort.

Sound like the aftermath of your holiday meal? You’re not alone.

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Five and Thriving

Tradition says that a fifth anniversary should be marked with gifts of wood. But for the Tevis Center for Wellness and the William E. Kahlert Regional Cancer Center—now both celebrating five years of operation—patients come bearing a more tempting variety of gifts.

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Talking Turkey

We’ve all heard that the turkey in our Thanksgiving meal makes us sleepy. The theory comes from the fact that turkey contains the amino acid tryptophan that can be converted into several important substances, including serotonin and the hormone melatonin, a popular sleep aid.

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