Sauteed Greens with Mushroom Skulls

Sautéing mushrooms so that they are soft and caramelized is an art and takes some practice to not make mushy-shrooms. In this recipe will show you how to make the perfect sauteed mushrooms and tender greens. It makes an excellent side dish, or topping for a creamy risotto, mac and cheese or other pasta dish.  This recipe can be made with any kind of mushroom or a mix of mushrooms! If you’re looking for something fun to celebrate Halloween, use white button or crimini mushrooms to create mushroom skulls. With a paring knife, cut mushrooms in half, carve out eyes, a nose hole and slice the stem to look like teeth.

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Roasted Acorn Squash

Acorn Squash is a fall favorite! And it should be, as it’s an edible aesthetic countertop adornment to mark the season. It’s a rich source of vitamin A, and the vitamin A building blocks called carotenoids, which have been shown to be beneficial not only for our eye health but also for the health of our skin, and lowering risk of heart disease and stroke.

Acorn squash is also high in fiber at 5g per ½ cup. Fiber acts like a magnet to LDL, our “bad” cholesterol, clinging to it and taking it away and out of our bodies. This helps improve our cholesterol levels, leaving us with a happier heart. All the winter squashes are a good sources of Vitamin A, carotenoids and fiber. The spice blend in this recipe is tasty on many different kinds squashes, try it on butternut squash, delecata squash, pumpkin or even sweet potatoes.

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Jack-O-Lentil Stuffed Peppers

Try this spooky twist on classic stuffed peppers, and one that is fun for the family to make. Studies have shown that getting kids involved in the kitchen helps to improve their fruit and vegetable intake and provides a hands-on learning experience that they can keep with them for years to come. Studies also show that children are more likely to eat the food they help make, so cooking healthily with kids set them up for a higher intake of healthy foods and increased chances of trying new foods or foods they may have previously expressed they didn’t like. This recipe is a fun way to expose kids to healthy eating.

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Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats

Oh yes, it’s that time again. Time to bathe ourselves in the delectable sensation of warm sweet spices in every way we can. Pumpkin spice candles, pumpkin spice soaps and lotions, and, of course, pumpkin spice foods. This recipe for overnight oats will be just the thing start spooky season right. It’s easy, perfect for making a head of time, and full of protein, fiber, anti-inflammatory spices and omega-3 healthy fats. You can eat this cold or reheat it in the microwave. Add whatever toppings you like; try toasty almonds, cranberries or coconut flakes.

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