Mental Health and the Holiday Season

The winter holiday season can be a joyous time, but it can also be a time of heightened emotional stress and triggers for challenges related to mental health, substance use and grief. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults lives with a mental health condition, and 17 million U.S. adults with mental illness were also experiencing a substance use disorder, according to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

Self-care during the holiday season is so important. This may include reaching out for support and treatment for you or someone you know. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing stress, depression, anxiety, substance use, or other emotional or mental health issues.

  • If you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, call 988, the new Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The free, confidential line is available 24/7. Lifeline (
  • A Mobile Crisis Response Unit is available in Carroll County from 9 a.m. – midnight every day at 410-952-9552. The crisis unit has mental health first responders for those who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Affiliated Sante Group offers emergency psychological assessment and immediate intervention for individuals, family and community crisis events.

Here are resources for more information and support:

If you need assistance finding or navigating available resources, we can help.  Call Carroll Hospital’s Care Connect at 410-871-7000 to get started.

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