Thirty years ago, a core group of individuals passionate about hospice care connected to create what would ultimately become Carroll Hospice. In this season of giving thanks, and in celebration of three decades of providing end-of-life care, we reflect on three things that have made us successful through the years:
Month: March 2017

What To Do After a Hospital Stay
Did you know that more than one-third of hospital patients fail to get needed follow-up care once they are home, according to research from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality?

Preparing for Surgery
Are you scheduled to have surgery in the near future? You can prepare for your upcoming surgery in several ways.

How to Choose a Primary Care Physician
Finding a primary care physician may be the most important thing you do for your health. In fact, research shows that patients who see a primary care physician have, on average, 33 percent lower annual health care expenses and a 19 percent lower mortality rate than patients who don’t.

Celebrating Our Doctors
Congratulations to James Clement, M.D., named Carroll Hospital’s 2017 Physician of the Year!

Emergency Department or Urgent Care?
When unexpected injury or illness strikes, your first instinct may be to go to the hospital’s emergency department.

Mini Meatloaves
This recipe is a great way to portion control your meats and packs well for an easy lunch. Since pre-ground meats often come in 1 lb. packs, try doubling this recipe and freezing the leftovers for another dinner. The oats aren’t enough to add significant fiber, but they hold moisture. If your family likes mushrooms, you can try adding some of those (chopped) too.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is increasing in popularity due to numerous health claims. Many claims suggest that coconut oil may increase metabolism for weight loss, aid digestion, lower cholesterol and improve heart health and brain function. With all the publicity, there still isn’t enough scientific evidence to back up these claims. Read More

Which Snack Bars are the Healthiest?
If you take a walk down the granola bar aisle at the grocery store these days, there are more than enough snack bars to choose from – granola, cereal and high protein bars to name a few.

Dairy-Free Alternatives
For years, milk has been a staple at meals. But if you have shopped for milk lately, you may have noticed many different dairy-free soy-, nut- or rice-based options available.