Garrett Hoover: COVID-19, One Year Later

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since COVID-19 came into our lives. To say that it has changed the world would be an understatement.  These past 12 months have been a roller coaster ride; we’ve faced highs and lows and unknowns. It has profoundly changed the way we work, learn and live.

But we also have shown our extraordinary ability to innovate, care and thrive in these history-making circumstances.

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February is Heart Health Month

Maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle is as important as ever during a global pandemic. Heart disease is the leading cause of death, regardless of gender, for most ethnic and racial groups in the United States.

Join us for our heart health-focused programs, in collaboration with The Partnership for a Healthier Carroll County and the Hill Y in Westminster, to learn more, get motivated and get active! Learn more about cardiovascular care and services at Carroll Hospital.  

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After Cancer: Limiting Chemical Exposures

After Cancer posts address unique topics for those in cancer survivorship. This month, certified oncology dietitian Mindy Athas writes about carcinogens and reducing your risk. 

Chemical Nation

Chemicals are everywhere, but not all pose a health risk. Most concerning are those in food, grooming and cleaning products, packaging, prescription drugs, household and lawn care products. Factors that increase cancer risk include smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, on-the-job exposure to certain chemicals, radiation and sun exposure, and some viruses and bacteria. Read More