Did you know there are several ways to honor an Associate or physician who has gone above and beyond in the service he or she has provided?

Medical Misconception: Suicide & the Holidays
While the holidays are a happy time for many, it can also be a difficult time for others. Often, it’s been portrayed that with the holiday season comes an increase in the number of suicides.

Sticking to Your Resolutions
Ringing in the New Year often means resolutions to improve your health, lose weight or exercise more.
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Roasted Spiralized Butternut Squash Noodles
Spiralized vegetables are a great substitute for pasta noodles. Turn apples, squash, zucchini, carrots, beets or sweet potatoes into curly strands. Enjoy cooked, roasted or fresh.

Quick Baked Pears
Enjoy a nice, sweet treat this winter without all of the extra calories and fat.
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Pomegranate-Orange Salsa
Fresh pomegranates are typically available from September through January. When shopping for a fresh pomegranate, look for one that is big, heavy and plump without blemishes, varying in color from light to dark red.