Make the Most of the Fall Harvest

Mindy Athas, outpatient dietitian nutritionist and certified specialist in oncology nutrition, shares a host of fall nutrition tips and resources.

Make the most of the fall harvest bounty! Check out these 35 fall vegetable recipes

Choose nutrient-dense plants rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, and discover what foods have the highest antioxidants

Follow the American Institute for Cancer Research survivorship guidelines for plant-based eating.

Squash like butternut, Hubbard, spaghetti and acorn can be turned into savory soups and stews.  12 Fall Vegetables You Should Know How to Cook

Tomatoes are still around so grab up all you can for making homemade salsa, tomato sauces, baked tomato pies and casseroles.  Try some unusual vegetables like okra, turnips, leeks, eggplant, parsnips or kohlrabi. 11 Healthy Fall Foods — and the Best Ways to Eat Them ; Fall Fruits and Vegetables: Top 10 Healthiest Produce to Eat in Autumn

Fiber up with carrots, Brussels sprouts, green beans, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. These veggies are great in casseroles and baked dishes, but they’re also delicious when roasted or sauteed. Add some beans or lentils to maximize the fiber. Your Guide to the 21 Healthiest Fall Fruits and Vegetables 

Apples and pears. This is the time to try new varieties and start a recipe tradition like Dutch apple cake, pear souffle or a simple fruit muffin with added chia, hemp or ground flaxseeds for their omega-3 benefits.  Here Are 50 Ways to Use Up All Those Fall Apples

Potatoes come in a bevy of colors, so roast up a bunch for a bright and tasty snack. Leafy greens are grand in fall; finely chop some kale and massage with extra virgin olive oil and some balsamic vinegar in place of your usual salad. Or wilt some spinach and add to your morning omelet.  8 Tasty Fall Veggies and Their Health Benefits (with Plant-Based Recipes!)

Gourds and pumpkins can be carved for decoration, but remember to scoop the seeds and roast or toast for a healthy snack. Toasted Pumpkin Seeds: Three Ways  If you don’t like seeds, toast some nuts, or buy peanuts, almonds or walnuts to toss into dishes or in trail mix.

Get some gardening tips for early spring vegetables to plant now and enjoy later. Edible Landscaping – Planting Vegetables for a Spring Harvest; 13 Best Vegetables To Plant In Fall For An Early Spring Harvest; 15 Fall Vegetables to Plant in Your Garden

Don’t forget to have some fall fun! Get outdoors and soak up the last of the sun. Moving your body is important, and walking, hiking or biking gets your cardiovascular system revved up, making your heart happy. Being with others in a beautiful environment improves mood and releases stress, lowering your cortisol levels and improving blood flow. 62 Fun Fall Activities – What to Do In Autumn 2021 ; 19 Outdoor Fall Activities To Do To Stay Active This Season ; 7 Outdoor Workout Ideas If You Want To Enjoy The Fall Weather To The Fullest

Make the most of the fall by focusing on seasonal plants, regular physical activity and fun activities!

For more information or to meet with the outpatient dietitian nutritionist at Carroll Hospital, visit our website.

Mindy Athas, R.D.N., C.S.O., L.D.N., is an outpatient dietitian nutritionist and certified specialist in oncology nutrition at Carroll Hospital.


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