Due to the spread of COVID-19 and the upcoming flu season, it is important to maintain our health and our immune system to the best of our abilities.
Category: Nutrition Tips
Whole or Processed Food: Which is Best?
The common suggestion to shop the circumference of the grocery store can be helpful if you are trying to decrease your processed food intake, but that doesn’t mean foods in the aisles are unhealthy.
Many diets today promote the intake of only whole foods, but let’s be real. In today’s busy world, convenience foods can be extremely helpful and can have just as much nutritional value if you choose wisely.
Diet Culture and Nutrition Credibility
Today we are surrounded by many opinions and suggestions for how to eat or what diet is best. Nutrition can be a very difficult subject to navigate and understand because of so much conflicting information coming from all directions.
The Importance of Staying Hydrated
Drinking enough fluids, especially in the heat of the summer, is very important. However, many people do not drink enough water throughout the day every day of the year. If you are thirsty, you may already be dehydrated.
Add Plant Protein to Your Diet
As a dietitian, I would never encourage everyone to go strictly vegan or vegetarian. Many people enjoy meat, and that is okay, but research shows that a reduction in animal protein (beef, pork, lamb and processed meats in particular) can improve health, including a reduction in cardiovascular disease, prevention or better management of diabetes, and reduced risk of cancer.
New! Healthy Bites with Bridgette Online Cooking Class
Looking for timely, accessible recipes and nutrition information? Join community nutrition educator Bridgette Bostic, R.D.N., for Healthy Bites with Bridgette, a new online cooking class taking place from 5 to 6 p.m. each Wednesday evening.
Turkey Burgers
Turkey burgers are a great alternative to beef as they have less saturated fat and calories. Place this burger on a whole grain hamburger bun, add some fresh tomatoes, red onion and dark leafy greens like arugula or spinach for added vitamins and minerals. Pair this burger with a side salad and some juicy fruit for a well-balanced meal.
Shelf-Stable Foods
As difficult as this time is, it is important for all of us to stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the Coronavirus and protect those most vulnerable.
Buying more shelf-stable foods is one way to reduce grocery store trips. Here is a list of healthy whole foods to have on hand:
Follow the Mediterranean-style Eating Plan
I am often asked what the best diet is to follow, and my response is always the same. No short-term diet will lead to long-term weight management and health. And, for the third year in a row, U.S. News & World Report agrees.
Discover Mindful Eating
So when did it happen? Or has it always been that way? The fact that following a delicious meal, we rarely remember the flavors, aromas and senses stimulated by a flavorful meal. Instead we often feel overfull, possibly to the point of discomfort.
Sound like the aftermath of your holiday meal? You’re not alone.