Iron Boost Borscht

January is National Blood Donation Month! This time of year, we encourage anyone who can donate blood to do so. It’s also soup season, and this recipe celebrates both! Many people get turned away from making a donation because they have low iron levels in their blood. Low iron can manifest a variety of symptoms such low energy, pale appearance, difficulty focusing or difficulty regulating body temperature.

Certain populations are at higher risk of developing iron deficiencies include those who menstruate or are pregnant, children and infants, frequent blood donors, and people with heart failure or cancer. This recipe includes two iron-rich foods, beets and beef. You can get even more iron in this meal by cooking it in a cast iron Dutch oven. 

Interested in donating blood? Here are the requirements for blood donations from the American Red Cross: Blood Donation Eligibility Requirements | Red Cross Blood Services  –Dana Mealing, RDN, LDN, CIEC, Tevis Center for Wellness community nutrition educator

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Spinach Dal

We’ve talked about lentils before and how they are an excellent plant-based protein full of fiber and iron. Dark leafy greens, spinach in particular, are also a great source of iron. Iron is important in your body because it is a major component of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through your bloodstream.

There are two types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron comes from animal sources, and non-heme iron comes from plant sources, like spinach. Non-heme iron is not as easily absorbed as heme iron because our body must go through steps to convert it to heme iron after we eat it.  To help maximize your absorption of iron from dark leafy greens, add an acid to your dish, like a fresh squeeze of lemon juice or a vinegar-based dressing.  

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Lovely Lentil Loaf

February is Heart Health Month, and this is just the recipe to kick it off! This savory loaf is made from lentils and is packed with plant-based protein, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals.

Typically, a loaf would be made from ground beef and can be high in saturated fat, which has been shown to increase our total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol. Cholesterol has an important role in our bodies, but too much can build up in our arteries causing plaques to form. The buildup plaque causes our arteries to stiffen and narrow, restricting blood flow.

Even small adjustments like switching from an 80/20 ground beef to the leaner 90/10 or 95/5 is beneficial. However, with plant-based recipes, not only is there the benefit of little to no saturated fat, but there is also a ton of fiber. Fiber binds to excess cholesterol and removes from our bodies, helping us maintain a healthy balance.  Lentils are also very high in iron, an important nutrient we often get from red meats. Iron is found in many plant-based foods, particularly lentils, beans, legumes and dark leafy greens.

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