Practice Food Safety This Summer

Summertime is here! As we enjoy the outdoors, it’s important to remember proper food safety protocols, especially during family picnics and other outdoor events. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rates of food poisoning increase in summer months because bacteria grow faster in warmer weather. Eating food left in the “Danger Zone” (40 degrees to 140 degrees) can make you and others sick.

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Practice Summer Food Safety

Picnic and pool season is upon us, which means plenty of opportunities for outdoor dining with family and friends.

It’s important, however, to take precautions when enjoying food in the summer heat, as rising temperatures accelerate the growth of bacteria on food and surfaces. To protect everyone around you and avoid foodborne illnesses this summer, follow these simple steps to ensure the food you consume is safe to eat:

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Medical Misconception: Food Preparation

Each month we set the facts straight regarding a popular health and wellness myth.

This month’s myth: Thawing food on the counter is safe.

There’s at least one generation of us who remember the primary meal preparer in our family grabbing a package of chicken or ground beef from the freezer and leaving it out on the counter to thaw for that night’s meal.

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