Peruvian Chicken and Rice Soup (Aguadito de Pollo)

We all get bored with making the same recipes over and over. Whenever I get into a recipe rut, I pick a random country, head over to Pinterest and see what fantastic cuisine they have to offer. Sometimes I’ll use a random selection generator online. I tried this for this week, came up with Peru, and the recipe I found did not disappoint! This soup is warming for the cold weather, but also light and refreshing. It’s loaded with nutrient-dense cilantro, peppers, lean chicken and complex carbs from brown rice and potato. This soup has a little kick to it, so let’s talk about what makes peppers spicy: capsaicin. Capsaicin is a phytochemical (we’ve heard that word before!) that has quite a bit of research around it. Studies show that those who each chilis on a regular basis have an associated reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and a 25% relative reduction in all-cause mortality. Embrace the chilis! — Dana Mealing, RDN, LDN

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