Each month, a health care professional will weigh in on a health and wellness myth and will explain the real cause behind the malady.
This month’s misconception: a base tan prevents sunburn.
Each month, a health care professional will weigh in on a health and wellness myth and will explain the real cause behind the malady.
This month’s misconception: a base tan prevents sunburn.
According to many statistics, a woman’s lifespan often exceeds that of a man’s. This can be attributed to many factors, but one common reason is because women are more likely to visit the doctor sooner if they have a health concern. In other words, some men tend to wait until they are extremely sick or their symptoms are too persistent before seeking medical attention.
When the decision is made to pursue hospice care, it signals the end of a person’s life. But it is also a time to reflect and celebrate that life, a time to share memories and photos, a time to ask questions, a time to appreciate.
Do I need 10,000 steps?
In the 1960s, pedometers made in Japan for the Tokyo Olympics were called the “10,000 steps meter.” After all these years, the 10,000 step goal has remained, but do we really need that many steps?
Each month, a health care professional will weigh in on a health and wellness myth and will explain the real cause behind the malady.
This month’s misconception: Only children need vaccinations
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that after 22 years, the Nutrition Fact label will be updated. Food manufacturers will be required to use this updated label by July 2018.
Each month, a health care professional will weigh in on a health and wellness myth and will explain the real cause behind the malady.
This month, we debunk three common breastfeeding misconceptions.
Myth 1: Breastfeeding comes naturally.
Yes, breastfeeding is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean that it’s intuitive. It takes practice and persistence, and nearly every mother and baby has some sort of issue along the way. A lot of work and effort goes into breastfeeding, but the benefits are numerous for mom and baby. Take a breastfeeding class to familiarize yourself with techniques before you have your baby, and join us for our breastfeeding support groups to share tips and tricks with other moms. Learn more about breastfeeding classes and support.
Myth 2: Breastfeeding always hurts.
Being uncomfortable and sore can be normal as a woman begins to breastfeed for the first few days to weeks, as her body may experience sensitivity from hormones after delivery and is adjusting to the baby nursing frequently. However, if she has consistently painful breastfeeding sessions, it is important that she seeks help from a lactation consultant as soon as possible. Most of the time it is something easy to correct, such as a poor latch or poor positioning of either the baby or the mother. A lactation consultant will be able to evaluate and help with making the nursing experience as comfortable as possible. In most cases, breastfeeding should not hurt.
Myth 3: I am not producing enough milk.
When it comes to milk production, colostrum (the first milk) is being produced by the mother as early as 26 weeks into her pregnancy and is ready for the baby immediately after birth. This thick liquid is loaded with protein, sugar and antibodies, and it’s helpful with keeping the baby healthy as he or she adjusts to his or her new world.
For the first two days, the baby will only be taking in about 1 teaspoon at each feeding; the size of the belly at this time is only the size of a cherry. Then, between days two and six, the baby will cluster feed or nurse frequently. This frequent nursing is necessary to establish your milk supply and increase the volume of milk for the baby.
Newborns eat anywhere from eight to 12 times a day. Keep a feeding log to determine if your baby is getting enough to eat through breastmilk.
By day four, if the baby is eating eight to 12 times a day, is having six to eight wet diapers and four or more yellow, loose, seedy bowel movements, this is a good indication that he or she is receiving enough milk.
The breastfeeding hotline at Carroll Hospital (410-871-7024) is available to provide support and to get your concerns addressed.
Angela Baublitz, R.N., is a lactation consultant with The Family Birthplace.
While being active and eating well are key elements to maintaining your health, so is properly managing your medications. However, keeping track of multiple medications and supplements can be a little confusing.
There are lots of ways to incorporate cabbage in your diet, even after St. Patrick’s Day. Roasting vegetables is a heart-healthy cooking technique that produces tasty results. The basic components are a lower-moisture vegetable, some olive oil for water retention and a very high heat. One of the ways to decrease the fat content is to use a brush or olive oil mister to distribute the oil evenly without using more than is needed.
Prediabetes is when a person’s blood sugars are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. More than 86 million Americans, or 37% percent of American adults, have prediabetes — and most are unaware, because there are no symptoms.