Baked Endive and Apples with Gorgonzola

Endive is a leafy green that isn’t used all that often. While several different varieties are available, Belgian endive is what’s often found in the grocery store. This veggie has a unique taste; it’s sharp and bitter when raw, but when cooked, it sweetens and develops a complex flavor. Endive is also an excellent source of vitamin A, containing 14% of your daily needs; Folate, 39%; and Manganese at 20% of daily needs. It is also high in vitamin K — at 220% of your daily values. Keep this in mind if you are on an anticoagulant (blood thinner) such as Warfarin or Eliquis. Vitamin K, which is found in many leafy greens, acts as a coagulant. That is not saying don’t eat dark leafy greens. But the important takeaway here is to eat a consistent amount of these veggies day to day, and let your doctor know if you plan on changing your intake. 

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